In 2015, a partnership was consolidated between the Belgian companies NanoMEGAS and Excelsus Structural Solutions SPRL, and the Norwegian company BoRAS (Bilde og Røntgenanalysesystemer AS) in the frame of a long term R&D project supported by European funds, with the goal of developping new analytical methods for the study of structural and microstructural properties of nanocrystalline and amorphous pharmaceuticals.
More precisely, this project aims at defining the conditions under which total scattering techniques (e.g. Pair Distribution Function or Debye function techniques) already largely used to characterize inorganic materials using synchrotron-radiation x-ray powder diffraction can also be exploited with electron diffraction and applied to the study of nanocrystalline and amorphous pharmaceuticals. The outcomes of this project also include a software development and an advanced detector for transmission electron microscopes.
The complementarity between the local character of results obtained via electron diffraction and the more global information collected via synchrotron-radiation x-ray powder diffraction over a larger sample volume is largely exploited. Besides the development of this electron/x-ray combined technique for research and development purposes, the possibility for industries to use this method at a competitive price in the future is also being evaluated. More here (in French): BM_Novembre_2017_low4_Innoviris
Blvd Edmond Machtens 79, B-1080 Brussels, BELGIUM.
Tel: +32 (0)2 346 56 37
Fax: +32 (0) 2 647 47 60
Bilde og Røntgenanalysesystemer AS
Sønnaveien 45, N-1476 Rasta, NORWAY.
Phone: +47 67 98 96 00
Mobile: +47 996 17 111